Temple Beth Am is pleased to announce our new location at 841 Mountain Way in Morris Plains (located in Adath Shalom Synagogue).

Temple Beth Am has officially opened a beautiful new sanctuary! Please join us for services every Friday evening in person, or on the web by clicking HERE.


Here at Temple Beth Am we are continuing to take preventative measures to ensure the care and protection of our congregation. Classes, meetings, and activities are taking place in person with the option to participate virtually.  



The mission of Temple Beth Am is to provide a connection to other adults and children through worship, education and social justice in accordance with the values, faith and traditions of Reform Judaism.

We are committed to embracing and welcoming all into our Temple Beth Am family to ensure an environment which is friendly, inclusive and comfortable to our members and friends.

We strive for a culture of involvement and engagement through which lifelong friendships can grow and through which there exists a true feeling of home when entering this spiritual place.



Temple Beth Am has officially opened a beautiful new sanctuary! Please join us for services every Friday evening. We are continuing to hold services virtually and in person all the while taking preventative measures to ensure the care and protection of our congregation. Please know that if you are home bound, worried, or need advice or guidance, our clergy and staff are here for you.

Upcoming Events

  1. 25 Mar

    Book CLub

    11:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Next dates: 22 Apr | 27 May | 24 Jun |
  2. 25 Mar

    Board of Trustees Meeting

    7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

    Next dates: 29 Apr | 27 May | 24 Jun |
  3. 28 Mar

    Shabbat Service

    7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

    Next dates: 04 Apr | 11 Apr | 18 Apr |
  4. 29 Mar

From the Union For Reform Judaism / Reform Movement

Seven Jewish Comedians Sparking Joy

Seven Jewish Comedians Sparking Joy jemerman

Here are just a few modern-day female and genderqueer badkhens who have broken the mold as they share their own brand of Jewish joy with the world.

Visualizing Audacious Biblical Women for Our Times

Visualizing Audacious Biblical Women for Our Times jemerman

When invited to create work for the Jerusalem Biennale (an international art exhibition held every two years in Jerusalem) last year, artist Archie Rand decided to depict "a grouping of Jewish heroes who are women, appearing in an underreported story that should have a painted monument sampling the collective."

Prepping for Passover: A Resource Roundup for a Satisfying Seder

Prepping for Passover: A Resource Roundup for a Satisfying Seder jemerman

Passover is soon approaching! Below are some of our favorite Passover resources, selected to help your seder preparations go more smoothly.

Good Jewish Girl

Good Jewish Girl jemerman

I am a "good Jewish girl," curly hair, nice teeth, and loves wearing gold. A "good Jewish girl," who keeps a Star of David around her neck on the silver chain her mom bought her.