You are not required to complete the work, yet you are not allowed to desist from it.
– Pirkei Avot, 2:21
Contact to volunteer
Here are some great reasons to volunteer!
Help others |
Meet new people |
Make a difference |
Explore new areas of interest |
Find purpose |
Meet good people |
Enjoy a meaningful conversation |
Impress your mom |
Connect with your community |
Impress yourself |
Feel involved |
Expand your horizons |
Contribute to a cause that you care about |
Get out of the house |
Use your skills in a productive way |
Make new friends |
Develop new skills |
Strengthen your resume |
Feel better about yourself |
Volunteer Opportunities
Around the School
- Become a class parent
- Organize grade level luncheons/dinners
- Help with school fundraisers
- Assist with countless tasks
- Sit in the office during school hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays and/or Sundays to answer phones and greet people
- Help with a holiday celebration in the school
Around the Temple
- Join a committee or offer to help with one program.
- Organize holiday Shabbat dinners
- Help set up/clean up/serve at the dinners
- Sit in the office during bar/bat mitzvahs to answer phones and greet people
- Lend a hand with the gift shop
- Help out at the Purim carnival, Purim Schpiel
- Assist Men’s Club with setup and teardown Sukkah
- Help Sisterhood assemble Mishloach Minot Baskets
- Aid Sisterhood with any of their activities they provide for the school or other fundraisers
- Usher at a Shabbat service
- Stuff envelopes for mailings and other office functions
- Chair or assist with a fundraiser
- Make phone calls for an event as needed
- Lend a hand to Sisterhood with their Tashlich luncheon
- Organize/catalog the library
- Join the choir or band