Dues, Tuition or Scrip
Please enter information below for making payments to Temple Beth Am.
Temple Beth Am accepts credit card payments for temple dues, religious school tuition, Scrip and general donations. This is part of our continuing efforts to meet your needs and make it easier to pay and possibly earn rewards (if applicable) with your credit card.
As credit cards are a convenience to our members, but also an incremental cost to the Temple, we are requiring members who use credit cards to include a 2.5% convenience fee to offset our credit card processing fees. However, this convenience fee is NOT required for any donations to Major Fund campaigns.
The following frequently asked questions should answer any questions you may have regarding the use and acceptance of credit cards for payment.
Why is Temple Beth Am accepting credit cards?
The temple is accepting credit cards as a convenience to our members based on feedback we received.
What credit cards are accepted?
Temple Beth Am will be using PayPal which accepts most major credit and debit cards (i.e. American Express, Visa, MasterCard and Discover).
How do I make a payment with a credit card?
We are accepting credit card payments for temple dues and religious school tuition online through the Temple Beth Am web site and directly via email invoice. There will be a link to PayPal which will contain payment instructions.
Is there a minimum credit card transaction?
There will be NO minimum credit card transaction amount; however, a 2.5% convenience fee will apply.
Why is Temple Beth Am asking for a convenience (Gateway Fee) amount over and above my payment?
Temple Beth Am is requiring members who benefit from the convenience of making payments by credit card to pay a 2.5% surcharge to the synagogue to offset the fees charged by the bank to process each credit card transaction. This fee does not apply to those paying the Temple by check or cash and is NOT required for those making a donation to any Major Fund campaigns.
Are Credit Cards now the only payment accepted at Temple Beth Am?
Temple Beth Am will continue to accept other forms of payment as we always have, such as checks or cash. We decided to add a new form of payment because our information shows that many members prefer to pay with a credit card. It is our goal to provide the variety of options that benefit our members whenever possible.
Can credit cards be used to pay “at the door” for synagogue events, activities and Gift Shop?
This option is being researched, but is not available at this time.
Can I use more than one credit card?
Yes. You can make separate credit card payments using different credit cards. However, you cannot use two different credit cards for the same transaction.
What will happen if I have an overpayment on my account?
Any overpayment on your account made by credit card will be retained as a credit on your account with Temple Beth Am and can be applied toward future financial obligations or refunded upon your request.
What if my credit card payment is declined?
We will notify you of the declined charge and you will be responsible to pay your synagogue financial obligations with a check or different credit card. Payments can be declined for numerous reasons and you may have to contact your credit card issuer to resolve your problem.
What security measures has Temple Beth Am taken to ensure the privacy of my credit card information?
All information on the PayPal site is fully secured and PCI Compliant. Please reference PayPal Website for more information: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/paypal-safety-and-security