TBA update
It’s been a few months since our last congregation meeting, so I’d like to give you a quick update.
We are still in negotiations with Adath Shalom to rent space from them. We are currently waiting for Adath Shalom to hold the necessary meetings and come back to us with an updated proposal.
The Rabbi Search Committee has interviewed candidates and has introduced one candidate to the Board of Trustees. The Board must now follow procedure and decide if this candidate is acceptable.
Once we have more information for you, I will email you again. Our last congregation meeting for this fiscal year is scheduled for June 26, however I believe we will be meeting sooner.
In the meantime, please join us for Shabbat services every Friday evening in the secondary worship space at Adath Shalom (7:30 PM, except the first Friday of every month, when the family service is held at 7:00 PM). Continue to join us for all the amazing Adult Education programs we are offering and consider supporting our Temple by purchasing Shop Rite Scrip. All this information can be found in the Happenings and in your Weekly Update.
As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Pat Greenberg